Who we are

The world's second largest developer community

Stack Overflow + GitHub for Chinese developers

Your best partner for entering China developer market

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47+ million

47+ million


60+ million

60+ million

blogs, QAs and Repos

130+ million

130+ million

monthly visitors



global partners

CSDN Service

For Developers

For Developers

An open community for developers to learn, share, and collaborate

For Organizations

For Organizations

Developer ecosystem services

Effective community building & promotion

Industry conference, meetup, competitions and hackathons

Survey report for target audience

We help you promote your community

Amazon DeepRacer

  • 1,000+ developers signed up to participate
  • 72+ million exposure
Amazon DeepRacer

Grow with Google Community

  • 300+ articles
  • 72000+ exposure
Grow with Google Community

We help you deliver your message to target audience

Promote Intel Innovation summit

  • 1.2+ million viewers
  • 250 developers registered
Promote Intel Innovation summit

Promote Microsoft Ignite Conference

  • 21+ million exposure
  • Reaching 7,500 developers
  • 1,600 developers registed
Promote Microsoft Ignite Conference

We host industry conference & meetup

Online forums for technical, industrial and professional community

Top technical conferences held by CSDN:

  • 1024 Developer's Day
  • China Blockchain Technology and Application Conference
  • other top technical conferences
conference banner inset
conference banner badge

We hosted the biggest developer annual event in China

1024 Developer's Day

  • 3,000+ offline participants
  • 20 million+ online participants
  • 1000+ developers compete on the same stage
  • -Experts
  • 200+ technical experts participated
  • -Technologies
  • 30+ new products and technologies released
  • 30+ popular technology and application forums

We hosted the first OpenStack Days in China

OpenStack Days China

  • 70+ keynote speeches and 60+ Seminars
  • 2,000+ onsite viewers
  • 200,000+ online viewers
We hosted the first OpenStack Days in China

We co-hosted the first Global Open-Source Innovation Meetup(GOSIM)


  • 700+ people participated on site
  • One Main forum & 5 sub-forums
  • 129 lecturers from 15 countries around the world
  • 27.9 million exposures & 163,068 clicks

We help you find and train talents

Amazon Training and Certification Collaboration

  • 6+ million exposure
  • 8,000+ developers registed
We help you find and train talents

Developer Survey Report

2022-2023 Developer Survey in China

In March 2023, Over 10,000 developers responded

  • their expertise and industry
  • how they learn and grow
  • tools & technical stack
  • compensation & career
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report badge

Empowering Partners - Building Developer Ecosystem and Application Innovation