Who we are
The world's second largest developer community
Stack Overflow + GitHub for Chinese developers
Your best partner for entering China developer market
47+ million
60+ million
blogs, QAs and Repos
130+ million
monthly visitors
global partners
CSDN Service
For Developers
An open community for developers to learn, share, and collaborate
For Organizations
Developer ecosystem services
Effective community building & promotion
Industry conference, meetup, competitions and hackathons
Survey report for target audience
We help you promote your community
Amazon DeepRacer
- 1,000+ developers signed up to participate
- 72+ million exposure
Grow with Google Community
- 300+ articles
- 72000+ exposure
We help you deliver your message to target audience
Promote Intel Innovation summit
- 1.2+ million viewers
- 250 developers registered
Promote Microsoft Ignite Conference
- 21+ million exposure
- Reaching 7,500 developers
- 1,600 developers registed
We hosted the biggest developer annual event in China
1024 Developer's Day
- 3,000+ offline participants
- 20 million+ online participants
- 1000+ developers compete on the same stage
- 200+ technical experts participated
- 30+ new products and technologies released
- 30+ popular technology and application forums
We hosted the first OpenStack Days in China
OpenStack Days China
- 70+ keynote speeches and 60+ Seminars
- 2,000+ onsite viewers
- 200,000+ online viewers
We co-hosted the first Global Open-Source Innovation Meetup(GOSIM)
- 700+ people participated on site
- One Main forum & 5 sub-forums
- 129 lecturers from 15 countries around the world
- 27.9 million exposures & 163,068 clicks
We help you find and train talents
Amazon Training and Certification Collaboration
- 6+ million exposure
- 8,000+ developers registed
Developer Survey Report
2022-2023 Developer Survey in China
In March 2023, Over 10,000 developers responded
- their expertise and industry
- how they learn and grow
- tools & technical stack
- compensation & career